Dhriti Foundation believes in collaborative approach by involving stakeholders to act for the betterment of the society, By doing this we believe every action taken for the development will be the sustainable and impactful development owned and retained by the stakeholders. 

Thus Dhriti Foundation works and focuses on empowering vulnerable sections of the society to act on their own with a well guided direction, guidance and required support. 

The most impactful and innovative idea of Dhriti Foundation is to empower CBOs, NGOs and Community Leaders with a revenue generating model of Financial Literacy and Management program which has a potential to bring a self sustainable model of social entrepreneurship which will support community development and financial sustainability of these local institutions to meet their basic needs of administrative cost, HR cost and office rent etc. This model will also bring a long lasting and sustainable change in the lives of peoples from the vulnerable background with economic freedom and stability. 


To empower every household in India to achieve financial freedom with the help of financial literacy, financial planning and management to manage their health, education, livelihood and most crucial life cycle events to uplift a household on a path of development.


– To help every household to plan their short and long term financial goals

– To help every household to provide access to institutionalise credit

– To bridge the gap between formal banking system and vulnerable section of the society

– To create customised products as per the requirement of a household for the development purpose
– To keep every household away from the trap of money lenders money

– To inculcate saving habits amongst citizens to avoid any future financial crises

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Curabitur tempor imperdiet nulla eu rutrum. Maecenas vel elittdon vitae nulla feugiat, semper veget, tincidunt magna. Aliquam acerat.Curabitur tempor imperdiet nulla eu rutrum. Maecenas vel elittdon vitae nulla feugiat, semper veget, tincidunt magna. Aliquam acerat.

Bank accounts opened
Savings habit enabled
Households covered with insurance